Wednesday 18 November 2015

Target audiences

My target audience can be put into 2 groups; it's current underground audience that is familiar with the current brand and a newer younger audience. I want to target the 20 to 30 year old demographic.
This demographic, including the university student population, have been very vocal and passionate about current issues like university cuts, anti-war etc
There has been a number of large scale protests over the past few years and it is this audience I want to try and reach because I believe they will respond the most positively to my re-branding of anarchism.

Through my research I have concluded that the average age of the modern protester can range from 20 to 32.

Some articles to support a young protester:
Wall street protesters
College age protesters
Student led UK protests against University fees
Students against cuts

The way I will reach each group will be as follows;

Current group-

  • The brand must not lose its edge and become too corporate. 
  • The brand must still be recognisable. Using a similar colour palette.
  • The groups original values must me forefront of the design. 

New audience-

  • Push the groups positive, progressive values. The values that are important to the student protests of late. 
  • A clean and minimalist design will appeal to this group. Clear, concise and to the point. 
  • Re-assure audience that Anarchism is a worthwhile movement and dispel any misconceptions. 
  • The clothing line (t-shirts, hoodies) will appeal to the young audience. 

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