Tuesday 17 November 2015

Refining logo (Colour)

This is a selection of refined logos that were developed from the polygon idea. The thinking behind the polygon structure is that is visually communicates some of anarchisms values; structure, organisation and networking.

Old v New
One of my objectives in this branding project was not to alienate the current audience that already supports Anarchism. I attempted this by not straying from the current colour scheme too much. Also the logo features an 'A' shape within a circle.
The circle originates from the quote 'Anarchy is order' by the anarchist theorist Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. The circle represents the 'O' in Order. So containing the 'A' within the circle is vital in appealing and reaching the current audience.

Ways it's similar to the old logo:
Colour scheme similar to traditional anarchist visuals.
‘A’ contained within a circle
Flat design

The un-uniform nature of the polygon shape echoes the lose design of the old logo. 

Ways it differs from the old logo:
More refined and balanced.
Although colour scheme is similar the colours have been muted slightly.
Isn't reminiscent of graffiti any more.

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