Monday 21 December 2015

Unused leaflet mock-ups

Although I liked the look and layout of this mock-up it was very difficult to read the information on the leaflet. Another more clearer mock-up was used in it's place.

I decided the quality of this mock up was not good enough to include in the final submission so it was replaced.

Alternative/unused designs

Unused leaflets:
The purpose of these leaflets were to outline some of the core values of anarchism to a new audience. These were presented in the forms of questions, this gets the viewer immediately invested and involved.
The values presented here are very progressive and inclusive and may surprise a new viewer, they may have not previously perceived Anarchism to be like this. Dis-spelling any misconceptions is a goal in this project.
Initially these were presented in 4 small leaflets but I thought these would be quite hard to distribute so scrapped this format and designed a single poster instead. This would be much more effective.

Unused/unfinished poster:

This posters purpose was to explain Contemporary Anarchism to a new audience. 3 values were arranged using the polygon theme that's been utilised throughout .
This poster remained unfinished as I didn't think would be be effective enough to get across the message of Contemporary Anarchism.

Sunday 20 December 2015

Colour choice

The colour choice of the brand was based on the traditional anarchist colour pallete, red, black and white. 

Traditional colour scheme

Instead of stark black, white and red I toned down the colours for a more contemporary feel. Keeping a familiar colour scheme will avoid alienating the current supporters of Anarchism while also opening it up to a new audience.  

New colour scheme

Monday 30 November 2015

Typography choice

The font I chose was Neou. The reason for this is because this font had a contemporary look without appearing too corporate. This is in line with the goals I set out regarding my target audience. 

Also the bold version of this text will be used in titles and the light version will be used in paragraph text. This will be used consistently throughout. 

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Target audiences

My target audience can be put into 2 groups; it's current underground audience that is familiar with the current brand and a newer younger audience. I want to target the 20 to 30 year old demographic.
This demographic, including the university student population, have been very vocal and passionate about current issues like university cuts, anti-war etc
There has been a number of large scale protests over the past few years and it is this audience I want to try and reach because I believe they will respond the most positively to my re-branding of anarchism.

Through my research I have concluded that the average age of the modern protester can range from 20 to 32.

Some articles to support a young protester:
Wall street protesters
College age protesters
Student led UK protests against University fees
Students against cuts

The way I will reach each group will be as follows;

Current group-

  • The brand must not lose its edge and become too corporate. 
  • The brand must still be recognisable. Using a similar colour palette.
  • The groups original values must me forefront of the design. 

New audience-

  • Push the groups positive, progressive values. The values that are important to the student protests of late. 
  • A clean and minimalist design will appeal to this group. Clear, concise and to the point. 
  • Re-assure audience that Anarchism is a worthwhile movement and dispel any misconceptions. 
  • The clothing line (t-shirts, hoodies) will appeal to the young audience. 

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Creating a dynamic logo

I wanted to create a dynamic logo that could be used on a variety of different backgrounds. Having a coloured version and a grey scale version wouldn't be enough. I wanted to create a number of different logos that all stemmed from the original logo, but were still instantly recognisable as part of the brand. This will give my brand more versatility and  allow the brand to remain fresh with the audience.
These logos consist of full colour, flat backgrounds, line work and also the 'A's without the circle. 

Refining logo (Colour)

This is a selection of refined logos that were developed from the polygon idea. The thinking behind the polygon structure is that is visually communicates some of anarchisms values; structure, organisation and networking.

Old v New
One of my objectives in this branding project was not to alienate the current audience that already supports Anarchism. I attempted this by not straying from the current colour scheme too much. Also the logo features an 'A' shape within a circle.
The circle originates from the quote 'Anarchy is order' by the anarchist theorist Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. The circle represents the 'O' in Order. So containing the 'A' within the circle is vital in appealing and reaching the current audience.

Ways it's similar to the old logo:
Colour scheme similar to traditional anarchist visuals.
‘A’ contained within a circle
Flat design

The un-uniform nature of the polygon shape echoes the lose design of the old logo. 

Ways it differs from the old logo:
More refined and balanced.
Although colour scheme is similar the colours have been muted slightly.
Isn't reminiscent of graffiti any more.