Monday 21 December 2015

Alternative/unused designs

Unused leaflets:
The purpose of these leaflets were to outline some of the core values of anarchism to a new audience. These were presented in the forms of questions, this gets the viewer immediately invested and involved.
The values presented here are very progressive and inclusive and may surprise a new viewer, they may have not previously perceived Anarchism to be like this. Dis-spelling any misconceptions is a goal in this project.
Initially these were presented in 4 small leaflets but I thought these would be quite hard to distribute so scrapped this format and designed a single poster instead. This would be much more effective.

Unused/unfinished poster:

This posters purpose was to explain Contemporary Anarchism to a new audience. 3 values were arranged using the polygon theme that's been utilised throughout .
This poster remained unfinished as I didn't think would be be effective enough to get across the message of Contemporary Anarchism.

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