Friday 25 September 2015

Starting point- Brief

I decided to take on Brief 1, which was the brand identity task. The brief was to create a brand identity for the global protests that are taking place, protests for the refugee crisis, against austerity, human rights, anti war, anti government etc To summarise these protests are against the powers that be, surging forward by the momentum of ordinary citizens.


Anti-government, anarchist groups have led the charge in a lot of protests and demonstrations. There are usually the most vocal, energetic and sometimes violent.

I think it would be very interesting to brand a somewhat criminal element of these global protests. This would give them a more wider appeal and accepted appeal.

Anarchist groups are scattered, fractured and are not a single entity so this is an opportunity to create a brand that unifies all these groups on a global scale. There are a few things these groups have in common that could be illustrated through this new brand;

  • Predominant colours are black, white and red.
  • They usually have a capital 'A' to identify themselves on posters,flags,banners etc
  • They are a very vocal,energetic group. Could be reflected in the brand.
  • Anti-government, anti-austerity, anti-war, anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalism. Values that very much line up with protests of today.


  • Design a new logo that modernises the current capital 'A' logo.
  • Create a range of promotional materials- Posters, business cards, livery etc
  • Create a 'Protest kit'. Including branded face scarf, banner, flag, clothing line. 
  • Style guide
  • Perhaps illustration instead of photography 

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